What is this?

"Social fabric" is an umbrella term for the interconnected systems and social relations that form the basis of our societies. It is composed of a range of entities, including family networks, political organisations, cultural and religious institutions, social networks, and other vital components that shape our understanding of the world. All of these elements create a complex web of relationships, obligations, and expectations that support the social order and enable people to successfully navigate the world around them. The way in which these systems intertwine and how they are maintained, repaired, and adapted over time are fundamental to our growth, development, and wellbeing as a society.

See also: social capital, small group, decision making, social justice, community building

Self-Organising Collaborative Governance Q+A w/ Richard Bartlett 1,575

Cultural Catalyst Network - Karl Steyaert & Richard D. Bartlett - April 6 2020 341

Bugra Celik & Richard D. Bartlett talk about Microsolidarity in Turkey 176

Malcolm Ocean & Richard D. Bartlett talk about Enspiral & Microsolidarity 161

Neighborhood Organising in Pennsylvania - Seth Bush & Richard D. Bartlett 157

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 44

New congregation - Emerging Leaders - Michael Stern & Richard D Bartlett - Nov 2020 41

Cultural Catalyst Network - Karl Steyaert & Richard D Bartlett - April 2020 33

Ep. 58 Richard D. Bartlett and Natalia Lombardo from The Hum | Leadermorphosis 9

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 2